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King Township Municipal Administration Centre

Designed by +VG Architects and built by Aquicon Construction, the new King Township Municipal Centre is not just an administrtion building but also a comunity hub that reflects the heritage character of the community.

The 13.1 million, 46,285 square-foot building includes a 3,000 square foot police substation, a 6,000 square-foot gymnasium and event space for public use as wellas a centralized customer service area and a larger council chamber.

Brick is used as a cladding material both on the exterior and on many of the interior walls of the building. Brickwork was by Stefcon Construction and employed a dramatic combination of 4 different Belden CBC series bricks. As shown here, the brick provides a look that is vibrant and modern yet reassuring at the same time.  Brick is a durable and maintenance free material and as such a good choice for this high use, multi-purpose municipal building.